Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ultra Korea and other updates: June 14th-23rd, 2013

I remember buying our tickets for Korea's Ultra Music Festival way back in January, and thinking about how far away this weekend seemed, but sure enough it finally arrived! Ian and I, along with a group of friends went to this two-day music event in Seoul.  To minimize travel time, we stayed in a hostel in Itaewon both nights. In short, it was a fantastic weekend filled with lots of dancing, crazy neon outfits, fun, great music and friends. We agreed it was definitely one of our best weekends in Korea!

On Sunday, after a little bit of a slower start, we had a delicious brunch at The Frying Pan. This meal was amazing! There are definite perks in staying at a hostel in the area for foreigners in Seoul. After lunch, we also ventured to the Foreign Food Mart. This was our first time checking out all the foreign food that is available in Korea (besides what's at Cosco). Thankfully, we only purchased a small container of hummus, because that store was dangerously expensive. Our attitude now, is that we have made it almost 10 months, so we can last til we move back home. 

Overall, it was a perfect weekend with friends. Below are some pictures from Ultra and other little updates :)  

Isabelle, Emily, and I at Ultra
Group shot on the Saturday of Ultra
Adam, Ryan, and Ian
Ian and I ready for day two!

At the end of Saturday night.
The delicious Sunday brunch (Ian's)
The amazing french toast I ordered. I can't wait to go here again! 
This past week, a girl in grade 3 handed me this handmade envelope with a gift. She gave me 3 bracelets and a picture she had printed from the day Larissa and Teresa came to visit. This was such a sweet and thoughtful present. 
My kindergarten class!
My k class during their Animal Lesson. We made elephant finger puppets.

The goofy and always matching twins :)
Lounging by a rooftop pool in Seoul. Ian, Emily, Ryan and I went on Saturday afternoon.
On the way home from the pool, Emily captured this funny moment. The guy beside me kept falling asleep and teetering back and forth. People sleeping on the subway is very common, we just felt bad waking him up. 


  1. Those glasses are so you! It looked like a fun weekend.
    You definitely fit in the kindergarten class, great smiles.
    And, lastly, I'll make sure to have thick bacon for your return.

    1. It was such a great weekend, and I am definitely bring those glasses home :)
      My k class is one of my favourite classes, even though they probably understand me the least.
      And you know me well - bacon is hard to come by in Korea, never mind thick bacon!
