Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tobogganing: January 5th, 2013

Happy 2013! We celebrated the new year by having a nice Italian spaghetti dinner with friends and then heading to Seoul. It was such a fun night partying with Koreans other foreigners in Hongdae, a fun area in Seoul we like to go out in. Since hostels increased the prices dramatically on new year's eve, we decided to stay out til 5:30 am, as this is the time that the subway starts running. It was a great night with good friends, but Ian and I decided staying up to take the early subway back to Incheon may be a thing we only do once. At least we had new year's day off of work so we could rest.

On Wednesday, Ian started his English camp. During the winter break, English teachers lead these English camps in the mornings. It is an opportunity for students to continue practicing their English in a more relaxed, less formal setting. Ian seems to be enjoying his camp, since it is a smaller group of students, he planned fun activities, and the students are part of the "high level group", meaning they are well behaved. My camp starts tomorrow, so the past week I was desk warming. This means I have to be at my desk even though there are no students at school.

On Saturday January 5th, a group of decided to go tobogganing! Korean tobogganing is more intense than tobogganing back home. Here, there is a designated course, where we had to pay to enter. It was quite chilly out, so we bundled up in many layers and I even brought out my ski gloves for this adventure. The place was located in Incheon Grand Park, which is two subway stops from Bupyeong (downtown Incheon), followed by a short bus ride and walk. I also really enjoyed walking through the snow covered park. On the tobogganing hill, the employees monitored as around 15 people raced down at the sound of the start whistle. Overall, it was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Later on that evening, Ian and I went out to one of our favourite restaurants for some delicious Korean BBQ! Today it's Sunday and we are relaxing in a cozy cafe overlooking a busy intersection in Bupyeong. Tomorrow is Ukrainian Christmas, and traditionally you celebrate with a big meal on Christmas eve. We skyped my family as they were enjoying their perogies. I am sad to be missing the festivities back home, but Ian and I will try and recreate a Ukrainian Christmas dinner tonight - dumplings and perogies are similar right? Here are some pictures from the weekend :)
Ian bundled up and ready to go tobogganing.

Walking through Incheon Grand Central Park to the tobogganing hill.
Beautiful walk
Ready to go! (Emily, Ryan, Isabelle, Adam, Ian)

Ian on the hill.

Ian after he finished a run. Note the man to the left wearing the dog hat. This style is extremely popular among children and adults. 

The girls - Emily, me, Isabelle
Ian and I in the "Photo Zone"

One of our favourite meals - Korean BBQ!

Our dinner on Saturday after tobogganing.

We were offered forks but we said we would use the chopsticks. I think out waiter was very pleased, as he smiled and gave us the thumbs up when we declined the forks.

Korean BBQ dinner - thin slices of pork and onions on the grill, that you then wrap in lettuce, add garlic slices and various sauces. It is delicious! The meal starts off with a seaweed soup you can see on the left. We also ordered a kimchi, chicken, and vegetables spicy mix that you eat with rice. 

We are not sure why, but every time we go out for a Korean meal, our meal is served in an extremely banged up dish. Here is one example of a bowl that is very morphed.
Sunday afternoon at a cafe in Bupyeong.
At the cafe


  1. Tobogganing looks so controlled! I hope it was still fun. I was alarmed to see Ian's choice of foot wear for sledding!!!!! jane

    1. Haha yes it was controlled but still very fun!
      Ian wore the sperry's with his new warm ski socks (if that makes it better).

  2. Loved your Red Rebel shirt! You were missed at the Sviat Bechir varenyky count.

    1. Ya, I wore so many layers that day cause we were outdoors all day! The rebel shirt kept me warm!
      Ian and I had our own Sviat Vechir, but I definitely missed being home! I liked the nice skype date at the dinner table :)
